You may not even realize it, but what you think is comfortable, safe and sound could be just your habits, thoughts and attitudes that are holding your down. It has been said that “It is done unto You as You believe.” So what is it that you believe? Because that will shape your life AND your results. It’s important to take inventory of your current state of mind when looking to step out of your comfort zone to improve yourself and perform at higher levels in your business and your life.
Have you ever played the same song in your head over and over? Maybe all day, maybe all year. Same tune, same lyrics. Well the same goes for your attitudes and beliefs – same ole ideas and perhaps the same limitations running through your mind.
Is your attitude one of too late, too old/young, too scared or too busy?
Or is your attitude one of excitement about a new outrageous goal, finding a new way, knowing that everything will be ok?
The last letter “A” in my GaGaTM formula is “Attitude.” In previous blogs, I covered “G” for Gifts,” “A” for Action, “G” for Guidance and now the final letter “A” for Attitude!
What’s Possible?
I had recently heard an oldie song “Dream On” by Aerosmith that struck a chord with me (no pun intended), and I wanted to learn how to sing and play this song. I knew it was way beyond my skill level, so I asked my guitar teacher to help me learn it. His first reaction was that it was too difficult of a song for me vocally. In addition, he pointed out that this song is not typically done on an acoustic guitar, not to mention that my guitar skills were not a good match. Even after having said all that, I still had the optimistic lyrics of “Dream on, dream until your dreams come true” in my head and wanted to take on this challenging song. I was determined, and my attitude was one of “let’s find a way.” With my teacher’s help, we reworked and simplified parts of the song to make it possible. I practiced small sections at a time so it took a long time for me to finally put the song together and learn even this simplified version.
When I played it on stage at an open mic for the first time, it wasn’t perfect, but I received a standing ovation because everyone was shocked that someone at my skill level could pull off such an iconic song. Here’s what I learned:
- The satisfaction was not in how good it was, or if the notes were all right.
- It wasn’t the standing ovation.
- It was that I did it. I did it for ME!
The “can do” attitude opens the door for you to get outrageous and do something you didn’t think you could do. If I can play “Dream On,” what else is possible?
What’s playing in your head right now? Are you singing “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” or are you singing the blues?