“So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it.” – Jim Carrey
This quote rings true for me because it was how I lived my life for 35 years. I always wanted to be some type of a musical performer, but what stopped me all those years were the erroneous rules as to what I could and couldn’t do. Rules that were made up for me by society, my parents, peers, and more importantly, by myself. It wasn’t practical to be a musical performer. I did not make the choice to follow my heart. I didn’t think it would be the adult responsible thing to do; and definitely not, “the right thing to do.” As I look back at it now, I know it was “fear disguised as practicality.” Do you have goals or dreams that seem impossibly out of reach, ridiculous to even try? Are you living practically or maybe practically living?
My Italian aunt was 9 years old. She was asked to paint a picture for school. She loved to paint and was so excited about creating this art project. She took her time, picked the colors, and put her heart into it. It turned out beautifully. However, her teacher didn’t think so, and she told her that. So, at 9 years old, she decided that she would never paint again. Several years ago, my aunt was going thru a difficult time, she felt the need to express her emotions. She thought back to her childhood and what she loved and decided to pick up the paint brushes again. In her 90’s, my aunt is now commissioned to create art for restaurants, offices, and luxury homes in the Chicagoland area. You see, it’s never too late to express your full potential.
Asking for and going for everything you want in life takes courage.
What are you waiting for? You desire to take your life or business in a different direction. You may even know the next steps you need to take, but it’s not the “perfect time” “perfect place,” “doesn’t feel right,” “you don’t have time.” Or if you happen to be like me, I told myself I would begin thinking about next steps for my life when I completed a long list of chores, which included washing all the windows in my house, cleaning out all my closets, files, emails and my basement. If I completed this impossible list, then I could do what I love, explore my passions and dreams. That sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? The reality was that I was setting myself up failure. I was scared to get started. It would mean my life as I know it. The crazy part is that I was already unhappy. What’s the worst thing that could happen if I made changes? Asking for and going for everything you want in life takes courage.
Don’t mistake comfort for happiness.
Many times, we choose what we know, even if the prospect of something better is on the horizon. We often hold back our life now, to find happiness later. Have you delayed or are you procrastinating taking action on your dreams? Where do you stand making that career change, job change, life change, getting healthier, finding a new relationship, managing finances or even getting your house in order?
As I’ve said before, you will never BE ready, FEEL ready, or have enough time to get started. But once you take the first step, you will begin to have clarity as to whether you want to take the next step and the next, and next. Clarity and courage doesn’t happen by just thinking about it. Don’t wait another moment, another day, month, year or 35 years to Unleash Your Inner Superstar. Do it NOW! By the way, my basement still isn’t cleaned out, but in the meantime, I’m living the life of my dreams!